Book Signings Now Addictive After Surviving 1st One
Meeting new readers face-to-face elevates an author’s publishing experience.
Meeting new readers face-to-face elevates an author’s publishing experience.
A long-awaited dream: so close that it catches my breath each time I imagine book launch day.
The past you cannot change. Your future remains unknown. So, the present can be a powerful place to remain fully engaged.
I’m a list-maker, a habit that probably stems from my teaching days. As my daily checklists have morphed into weekly to-do’s, one characteristic remains the same: they are often insurmountable. How’s this one? Yes, it’s taken me more than a month of Mondays to package and format my pitch, bio, and comps (comparable titles) into…
The biggest challenge of participating in #PitMad is learning to chisel your novel’s premise into a soundbite.