#AMQUERYING: Enter with Caution Querying is an author's right of passage, an obsessive, compulsive routine that requires the highest order of tenacity.
Agents, Your Patience is Requested Powerful words await in a novel's inner story, within those layers resting beneath the major plot points.
Writing Won’t Wait I’m a list-maker, a habit that probably stems from my teaching days. As my daily checklists have morphed into weekly to-do’s, one characteristic remains the same: they are often insurmountable. How’s this one? Yes, it’s taken me more than a…
Mix a leap of faith with hutzpah, and there’s no turning back. The biggest challenge of participating in #PitMad is learning to chisel your novel's premise into a soundbite.
Surviving an editor’s blue ink marks means it’s time to publish If you accept that your editor is not your buddy and retain your sense of humor, all will be okay.
Momentous Times Invite You to Write We need to laugh, cry, hope, and believe. Words fill these voids.
No Other Feeling Compares to This Learn what you need to know about writing and never be afraid to ask questions.
Wield Your Weapons, Writers! Readers yearn to disappear beneath a trap door and tumble into a fantasy world.