Author of ‘The Giver’ Captures Readers’ Hearts at Mississippi’s Book Fest Lowry shares her inspiration for writing 'The Giver': "What if there were a way to take a pill to get rid of sad memories?"
One Devilish Word in the Writing Process: Revisions An editorial balance between too little and far too much must be struck.
Nearly 5 years after its inception, a novel is born A long-awaited dream: so close that it catches my breath each time I imagine book launch day.
When Author Alice Walker Talks, Everyone Listens "You are writing a version of you...though you may not have become that person just yet." - Alice Walker
An Afternoon Spent with Van Gogh’s Art Evokes Decision to Publish Inspiration for word artists: "One must work and dare if one really wants to live." Vincent Van Gogh
The Writer’s Well Dwells on Affirming Resolutions The past you cannot change. Your future remains unknown. So, the present can be a powerful place to remain fully engaged.
McRaven’s Paranormal Exceeds My Expections As long as you don't deny a spirit's existence, you're fine, says a McRaven House tour guide.
Only You Can Make Your Dreams a Reality “We’re live in five,” publishing coach Kathy Ver Eecke announced a couple of weeks ago, as I sat in the catbird seat, waiting my turn to go on camera. She reminded me I’d be ‘backstage’ with a couple of other…