New YouTube Video Evokes the Pulse of a Magical Novel I no longer fret about a novel's release; I survived this year!
New Literary Titan Book Award Empowers an Enchantress No magic spell can conjure such a valuable treasure as a coveted book award.
Ready to Write Again? Time for Next Steps I've learned that READERS know what they like and like what they know.
When You Believe . . . Magic Happens As exciting as publishing is, sending a new novel soaring into the unknown world of judgment and reaction is NOT for the faint of heart.
Book Signings Now Addictive After Surviving 1st One Meeting new readers face-to-face elevates an author's publishing experience.
Need an Enticing Writing Challenge, 2024 Since I've been immersed in a world of words forever, the urge to restrict a book's lifespan seems absurd.
A Publishing Dream Manifests Itself I believe wholeheartedly that my enchantress deserves a long and happy shelf life so readers may still discover her story in years to come.
My Book’s B’day is Today It's about chasing a dream, seemingly against all odds, until it comes true.